On Tuesday nights 20-30 students gather for a weekly meal and conversation. Those meals are provided by the friends and supporters of Lutheran Campus Ministry and St. Aidan’s Episcopal Church. We need your help to feed students. Below you can sign up to bring a dish, ingredients, or groceries for one of our Tuesday night meals. (Click the date to see a more detailed sign up sheet.) Touch base with Megan Fry, our program coordinator, to coordinate drop off. Usually, prepared foods need to at St. Aidan’s by 5:30pm on Tuesday. Earlier drop off is easily coordinated.
March 7, 2023 – Coconut Lentil Curry (Sign up to bring groceries)
March 14, 2023 – ‘Food Not Bombs’ is providing dinner
April 4, 2023 – Taco Night (Sign up to bring groceries and/or cooked food)
April 11, 2023 – Baked Potato Bar (Sign up to bring cooked/prepared food)
April 18, 2023 – Vietnamese Noodle Bowls (Sign up to bring groceries)
April 25, 2023 – Curry (Sign up to bring cooked/prepared food)
May 2, 2023 – Fried Rice (Sign up to bring groceries and/or cooked food)

Lutheran Campus Ministry
2425 Colorado Ave.
Boulder CO, 80302