Thank you for supporting Lutheran Campus Ministry at the University of Colorado Boulder! We are so grateful for the friends, alumni, congregations, and students who give by sharing their time, talents, and resources. Your financial support is vital for campus ministry to grow, and growth of the ministry means more students knowing they are not alone and that they are loved and cared for. More students will learn and practice vocational discernment. More students will have opportunities to serve as leaders among their peers and in the community. Thank you, for simply reading this page you show you care by giving your time. Consider giving today! Below are several options for making a donation.
You can set up a recurring donation with the PayPal donate button above.
If you prefer to write a check, you can make it out to “LCM-CU”and send to:
2425 Colorado Ave.
Boulder, CO 80302

Lutheran Campus Ministry
2425 Colorado Ave.
Boulder CO, 80302